Goddess Creator Retreats
- Free cancellation with full refund on deposit within 10 days of booking. After that, half the deposit amount is fully refunded within 20 days of booking. After that full deposits are retained for cancellations of any nature and can be applied to a future retreat.
All non-refundable balances are applicable to future retreats, shoots or song commissions and do not expire.
-It is advised to attain travel insurance so that guests may file a claim in any unforeseen circumstances and receive reimbursement.
-Liability forms and waivers will be signed via e-signs on Honey Book.
-Payments can be made in 2 or 3 parts depending on how many days until retreat start and can be taken through
Honey Book, PayPal or Square by CC (3% fee), Zelle, Cash-app or Venmo no fee
I can't wait to create with you, Goddess!